Allison Sutherland, multilingual voiceover talent, dialect coach, researcher, scriptwriter, copy editor, and award-winning photographer and singer/songwriter, You may have heard her voiceover work on XM Satellite Radio UPOP 29, on Ted Kelly's World Party morning show, British “Million Miles” promos, as an entertainment reporter for the Hispanic Heritage Awards, on Oprah & Friends, CNN, CNBC, Fox News, Fox Sports, and MLB, on The Discovery Channel and The Science Channel. She has been heard interviewed on Voice of America, on PSAs for the American Cancer Society and the Office of National Drug Control Policy, and on children’s books in English and French for Alexandria City and Fairfax County Public Schools.
She has worked on projects for The Johnson Group as the voice of Lena Gitter, a 95 year-old German Jewish woman for “Paper Clips,” an Emmy-nominated Miramax /HBO documentary about the Holocaust.
Most recently she portrayed the voice of Ivylyn in the documentary "Bedford: The Town They Left Behind," which will be rescreened on Wednesday, October 8 at the Arlington Cinema & Drafthouse. This film has been previewed at the Sonoma, Palm Springs, and Las Vegas Film Festivals, and was recently screened at Filmfest DC, at Landmark's E Street Cinema, at the GI Film Festival at the Carnegie Institute, and at a private screening by Senator Mark Warner, with John Warner in attendance, at the Capitol Visitors' Center in Washington DC.
She has voiced OPPIX projects for the American Institute of Architects, and English and Spanish PSAs for the U.S. Bureau of Labor & Statistics. She is currently on YouTube for the Radio Campaign at Check out the cool animations!!
Video work includes VideoMagic promotional videos for Princess Jewelers and Parma Inn & Spa, CNN, ABC, Univisión, television news in the Dominican Republic, a D.C. Department of Health video in Spanish, WNVC in French, Worldview on MHz Networks, Communicating Today on Fairfax Public Access / Channel 10, The International Investor on Arlington Community TV / Channel 33, and corporate videos for the Comprehensive Language Center, L&H, and Globalink, Inc, an international software company where she worked in marketing and as training coordinator, translator, computational linguist and lexicographer for close to a decade.